Saturday 11 March 2017

Been busy of late designing the collection for the summer edition of Love Knitting for Baby.  I really like the finished design!  Will share once the magazine is published.

Since then I have knitted up a premature baby romper with bunny slippers for a customer on  She loved it and requested that I add more premature baby knits to my etsy shop, so I have!  I will continue knitting up some more items, it's something I love doing.

In addition to this, I knitted up a matinee jacket and bonnet for another customer using luxury merino yarn.  It was gorgeous knitted up!

My first customer went on to buy my premature knitted bunny set - within 5 minutes of me listing it for sale!!!  Wow!

I'm hoping to have enough time to do more orders and more knits for sale.  I started working on the next commission for Love Knitting for Baby last night, and I received a copy of the current issue in the post yesterday.  If you enjoy knitting for babies I'd definitely recommend it.

I like the new style!  And it came with a bonus baby knits book!  My chick baby hat and booties, mouse baby hat and booties, little rabbit doll and baby lamb rattle designs are all in it.  I had loads of fun designing them.  :-)

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